Monday, 16 November 2020

Beginning of the end?


On the start of a new week, we are about a third of the way through our current new lockdown 2.0 in the UK. Last week I wrote about the fabulous news that the huge pharmaceutical company Pfizer have produced a new coronavirus vaccine that is 90% effective (or at least as far as the early data suggests). And the good news continued as late last week I discovered a post on one of the wedding groups I am apart of with an open letter from the co-founder of, a bridal organisation website helping with everything from guest lists to budgets. 

In another article on the helpful website, it goes into detail that there will be some significant effects on weddings to come into 2021. With 64% of 2020 weddings expected to be pushed-back, 2021 is set to be a busy one. Couples who have yet to find their suppliers or venues yet (I mean WTF are you doing with all your lockdown free time?!) will have to make quick decisions on dates to get first dibs on the date they want and guests can expect more clashes as midweek weddings make more of a comeback due to the limited dates left. On the bright side, the website expects post-coronavirus weddings will be bigger, bolder, and even more full of meaning. Everyone, including Mr Warehouse and I, are longing for the days of confetti, cake, and bubbly, and have the scoop on the trends you can expect to see post-lockdown.

So what will be the Post-Quarantine Wedding Trends - and will I partake in any myself? I think everyone can agree that the one thing that has come from COVID ruining my fucking life is the normalisation of online meeting services, such as zoom in order to socialise and work from home. Travel restrictions may persist for some time, and with expecting two-thirds of weddings post-lockdown to have at least some guests attending virtually, for us this is something I may reluctantly have to look into. With my Mrs Tweedle-Dumb located in sunny L.A and other friends and family, some of them elderly or with underlying health conditions scattered across the country, it may be the only option they can be included in the wedding at all without having to postpone a second time. 

Like most people who have worked from home the majority of the year, months of wearing the same pair of leggings and jumpers, I am certain that everyone will be jumping at the chance to dress up and look their best. are expecting more adventurous guest fashion, with brighter, more fashion-forward dresses and bolder jewellery choices. And it won't just be guests making bold statements; the popularity of statement embroidered veils, feathers and even lights sewn into dresses are certainly something I have been sent on a few occasions from excited work colleagues and friends suggesting something unique for my special day. The article continues that trends to expect may see many more brides opting for more luxe looks including catwalk-inspired statement sleeves and pearl-embellished dresses as seen at the likes of Dior and Chanel. However since I have already purchased my dress, this is not something I can see myself adding, however, you know the old saying - Never Say Never!

With more time than ever to think about wedding details, expect a move away from some more traditional elements to more creative and modern takes on decor. Floral hoops have also been growing in popularity, something I personally have thought about since I have an abundance of time and faux flowers, I am just a roll of Gaffa tape and a hula hoop away from the Pinterest goal. Post quarantine, I am expecting myself that there will be a revival of the Do-it-yourself Bride and Groom as couples cut costs where they can (and have more time on their hands!). 

Food is one of the most important items at any wedding, at least for me anyway and the pandemic has only heightened issues surrounding sustainability and the environment so it is no wonder that there has been a shift to a focus on menu seasonality, as well as plastic and waste reduction. This is something, whilst not being eco-warriors, was at the forefront of our mind when Mr Warehouse and I come to thinking about our own wedding breakfast as we wanted things to be from as local as we could get - The local meat, veg and suppliers all from within a thirty-mile radius. Moreso than anything to keep the cost down, it's always nice to have a bragging right that the pig your eating was wandering around in a field in the next village just last week. 

The article continues that after the storm of COVID, when weddings begin again, they are set to go on till the early hours. This is something we are mindful of however as our venue (luckily) is restrictive on the noise and partying as it is in a residential area surrounded by houses and so the cut off will be a hard line. However, hopefully, all that learning Tiktok dances will help the dancefloor to move better and everyone will be eager to show off their new fancy footwork. 

For us, the gift registry was never really a thing as we had most things the traditional lists would force you into adding. Like many couples, we have been questioning what gifts we can live without. For Mr Warehouse and I, we have everything we need. Silver cutlery and crystal bowls are a nice memento, but I remember my parents never using them or only when special guests come over for dinner and so they sit in a draw, redundant for years. A costly present that is rarely used. Not something I would want to bestow anyone for their future. And so, like lots of couples, experiences, starter funds for a new home, a pet or funding a honeymoon will be higher on the agenda, not things. 

Despite me writing this whole god damned piece, the Facebook page still hasn't loaded for me to share with you the good news and wisdom from the original article which goes into detail about what the new Pfizer vaccine means and how this will affect weddings in the next year or so. In no uncertain terms, wedding before the end of March 2021 will see little changes and moving through the spring into April and May the vaccine will allow for the reopening of bigger venues in order to host what is being described as hosting weddings of "substantial numbers" (although what that means in terms of our personal circumstances is another matter). By June and July 2021, as summer peaks its head around, events such as theatre performances, gigs and music concerts and sports are set to return to pre-covid normality. I hate to get too optimistic, but maybe this is the beginning of the end?!

'Til next time, Love A.Lou xx

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