Monday, 23 November 2020

To Vax or Anti-Vax?!


Over halfway through as we start the beginning of week number three of our new UK lockdown and with more news of the incredible efforts from pharmaceutical companies including Pfizer and now a home-grown drug produced by Astra Zeneca over in Oxford, the new coronavirus vaccine (vaccine's now) are now on their way. 

However, with a new vaccine on the horizon, I have noticed a new strange phenomenon. People actively shunning it. This new wave of people, who would have otherwise been described as "Karens" several months ago are now being heralded as "Anti-Vaxxers". As a side note, if you are not aware I am not against Karen's in any way, this is just the 2020 version of saying "you're being a douchbag". On the website, UrbanDictionary describes being labelled a "Karen" is a way of describing someone who makes solutions to others' problems an inconvenience to her although she isn't even remotely affected. For example - Karen complains that her favourite parking spot was replaced by a ramp for wheelchairs. She parks her car in the old spot anyway and shoots a vlog about it. Being a Karen. 

Anyway, after being sidetracked by "Karen-ism's", whilst I can understand the "Anti-Vaxxers" reasonings for not wanting or actively being against such an immunisation, I do not support it. Some people may simply be a bit unsure about whether or not they want one, or have genuine questions, for example around safety and side effects. It is understandable and I totally get what those people are mindful of, especially so when this virus is barely even a year old and already we have a magical new miracle drug for it?! But I am discovering that there are also people who are against vaccinations full stop - Known as 'anti-vaxxers' - And are part of the anti-vaccination movement.

But what is the anti-vaccination movement and how harmful is it really? The children's website describes finding a coronavirus vaccine is seen by many scientists and experts as a key way of tackling the pandemic and helping us return to normal life

Reading up online about anything you will find loads of articles for and against whatever your controversial opinion maybe - Hitler was a saint, blue/black dress vs. gold/cream dress or my personal favourite - The Queen of England is actually a lizard-person controlled by the Illuminati. This proves that regardless of your orientation you will make up your mind based normally on how you feel, not on the facts. And sometimes they can be hard to find online in a world of fake news and bogus articles. Finding a reputable article online from CBBC of all places in the media (news outlets are the one place I would only mildly trust what I am being spoon-fed, albeit a children's one). 

The kid-friendly website goes on to explain that the anti-vaccination movement is when people don't believe that some or all vaccines are a good thing, and do not want themselves, family members or other people to be vaccinated. But the anti-vaccination movement isn't something new and isn't just against a coronavirus vaccine. However those who make anti-vax claims usually don't have a scientific or medical background and claims can sometimes sound far-fetched, They want to try and convince people that vaccines aren't safe or to make them believe a conspiracy theory. This is something that has been going on for generations, ever since the scaremongering in the late '80s and early '90s when having the MMR jab for Measles, Mumps and Rubella was a huge no-no for Moms & Dads the world over. The NHS website now makes it clear in their guidance that the MMR vaccine is NOT linked to autism. After the Doctor who wrote the damning papers was struck off it was widely made available that there is no evidence of any link between the MMR vaccine and autism. There are many studies that have investigated this all made available in various links to lists of MMR studies and their findings on the Oxford University Vaccine Knowledge Project website. 

But even if a successful vaccine has been made and developed, enough people need to have it to make it effective. Some people who are curious or nervous about vaccinations might be put off having one because of what they hear from other people, or what they see online or on social media. They might already mistrust the governments or companies that are creating or giving out the vaccines. However further informing young (and a few older) minds, CBBC confirms that the UK government says it takes the issue of vaccine disinformation "extremely seriously" and social media sites are working with the government in order to tackle lies about the new coronavirus vaccine online. But this is a big task - and some say they have not done enough to label or remove posts on this topic that have been shared online for months. 

Would I take a vaccine if it protects me and my loved ones? If it meant we can go back to some sort of normality? If it meant I might have a fighting fucking chance of getting married in the next six months? Yes. Yes, I would. But I know I would not be first in line and that in itself lends itself to resting my worried little head about any fears surrounding its safety or efficiency. Who knows, I am sure it will be several months yet before people in my age group get anywhere near to the top of the list. 

'Til next time, Love A.Lou xx

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