Monday, 2 August 2021

Locked in and Left Left High and Dry: Part II


After a poor night's sleep for fear of being trapped and locked into my accommodation if there was a fire or emergency due to the door being locked following the handle breaking the previous evening, I awoke startled. The morning after the night before was different from what I had been expecting. I had expected my first night at the garden studio at The Mills Guesthouse, with its big glass bi-folding doors and waterfall shower to be a bit more natural and easy-going, maybe even with coffee in bed thrown in for good measure. But no, my day started as it meant to go on, intense, stressful, and unexpectedly abrupt.

I arrived to work ready to tell my tales of woe from the previous evening, all sprinkled with some light-hearted humor of course. Come 10.30am I was ready for the day's meetings to begin and by 1pm I was back at the garden studio at The Mills Guesthouse, packing up to come home.

Why you may ask? Well, I had come to the decision that this whole thing simply wasn't working out as I had hoped. Now as avid readers of my blog will understand and be familiar with, I do not normally talk about work-related matters or employment. Not that this is about to change, as I am still sticking by this stance, mainly for privacy and professionalism, however, what I shall say is that I am absolutely gutted it didn't work out in the way I had hoped.

That being said, I have a new job to venture into, one a lot closer to home and where I don't have to confirm my room number every day. I will be soon joining an Air Conditioning, Plumbing, and Heating company as an Operations Coordinator in Milton Keynes. The company is somewhere I had looked at prior to my Hertfordshire working holiday, so I was familiar with the company and the setup. I now have a few days to prep myself for my new role and a new job, a breezy 20-mins from home.

And I could certainly use all the free and spare time I have at the moment as with less than 10 weeks to go until our wedding things are super GO GO GO at the moment! With last weekend and this weekend chocked full of wedding stuff including viewing the village hall again, confirming all the details with vendors, organizing catch-ups with suppliers to go through things, order of service and other wed-min items, RSVP's, and more, honestly I am stressed and shattered. I must say it does make life a little easier knowing most of the RSVP's are back now and I know how many kiddo's I need to make PAQ's for (PAQ standing for Peace and Quiet) which will include colouring books, crayons, toys, sweeties and other fun stuffs.

So along with a trip to the local pound shop for those kid-friendly bits, I have a list as long as my arm of crafts and DIY's that need to be finalized and completed. I have blankets to wrap, signs to make, table centerpieces to design, table plans to create, flip-flops to tie and make pretty, bathroom baskets to make, confetti boxes to reprint labels for and that is before I even think about all the other bits I have forgotten to include. I mean I knew weddings would be stressful but this is bordering on breakdown!

'Til next time, Love A.Lou x

Remember, if you would like to purchase anything then please feel free to check out my store at: or visit our Instagram @WooftysDogTreats and use "TATOATS21" to get 10% off your first order over £15.00.

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