Monday, 9 August 2021

Wedding planning is stress free; Said no Bride ever!

Evening All

And so after nearly a fortnight of being a lady of leisure; shopping most days, lunching some others and most of my other free and spare time dedicated to wedding stuffs, today I started my new job as Operations Coordinator in Milton Keynes at an Air Conditioning, Plumbing, and Heating company. A breezy 20-mins from home I was very glad to not have the ninety-minute commute I used to have to Hertford, plus the staying away.

With just over 9-weeks to go until our wedding things are super stressed at the moment, so much so after the fourth phone call one day I had to screen my Dad's call. I know that he goes at 100-Mph but honestly, the whole GO GO GO thing at the moment is getting a bit much! Last weekend my Dad, his wife, Mr. Warehouse, and I all went to view the village hall again where we will be having our reception after the ceremony. This wouldn't have been such a trial if it weren't for the fact that every single time we come to view it we change the damned layout and floorplan meaning there is something else to do or buy or think about. And on this occasion, there were no exceptions.

Lunch afterward was intense, as it always is as there are two very strong personalities in me and my father round the table with his wife trying to battle through and butt-in once in a while and poor old Mr. Warehouse being completely left out of any thoughts or feelings he may have. I always knew wedding planning was going to be tough and stressful, but this is on another level. 

Luckily, the last few days off has lent itself to some serious life and wedding admin which has been much needed - Confirming all the details with vendors, organizing meetings with suppliers to go through things, order of service, and other wed-min items. I have even been proactive in chasing all the RSVP's in advance of the end of August deadline date which has helped us in being able to possibly make a head start on the table plan and more. I must say it does make life easier knowing most of the guestlist is now coming and as such I know how many kiddo's I need to make PAQ's for (PAQ standing for Peace and Quiet) which will include coloring books, crayons, toys, sweeties and other fun stuff.

So along with a trip to the local pound shop for those kid-friendly bits which I picked up some of last week and will collect the remainder tomorrow, I have also completed a few other things off the list as long that last week was as long as my arm. Crafts and DIY's that need to be finalized and completed are not all fully there yet however some of the simpler tasks such as blankets to wrap and flip-flops to tie have all now been finished. However, that being said the bogroll list cant be put away just yet as I still need to find time to make signs, create table centerpieces, design a table plan and manufacture pretty, bathroom baskets not to mention having to relabel everything that has our old wedding dates on including the confetti boxes. But now I have a full-time job to occupy me and weekend time is limited. With Hen-Do's, Stag-Do's, BBQ's and Parties booked in the next few weeks I have no idea when this will get done but somehow it has to. Eeeeek!!!

'Til next time, Love A.Lou x

Remember, if you would like to purchase anything then please feel free to check out my store at: or visit our Instagram @WooftysDogTreats and use "TATOATS21" to get 10% off your first order over £15.00.

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