Monday, 5 July 2021

covi-D Day!

Heyy everyone, 

So today we have learned here in the UK Bozza Jozza's plans for the final unlocking of restrictions in England. After the final stage of reopening on 21 June was pushed back, I think that the public knows that Prime Minister Boris Johnson can't really go back on his word yet again, U-turning yet again. The new unlocking date is scheduled in which all legal limits on social contact removed, nightclubs opening and restrictions on weddings or other social gatherings will be abolished is 19 July in England with Scotland and Wales to follow suit in the coming weeks also. 

Most recently it has been widely reported that we have had many days now where there have been zero COVID-related deaths and with the BBC confirming that, whilst still sad, the numbers today are only nine (as recorded on Monday 05 July 2021). That is still a huge difference from what we were seeing several months ago and the vaccine roll-out really is our savior. Despite the new Indian variant labeled the Delta Coronavirus, most of the adult population have had access to their first vaccine, more than 45-million people in fact, with many, like myself and Mr. Warehouse having had both which is now at an average of 3 in four people being fully vaxxed. 

As Boris Johnson made his announcement during the news this evening on the BBC he outlined a five-point plan for "living with Covid". Continuing with his address to the nation, the PM explained that "if we don't go ahead now when we've clearly done so much with the vaccination program to break the link... when would we go ahead?" something I think the whole country has been screaming at their tellies for weeks. Adding he said "We run the risk of either opening up at a very difficult time when the virus has an edge, has an advantage, in the cold months, or again putting everything off to next year." OH GOD PLEASE NO!

In line with this development and his confidence in reopening on 19 July, head honcho BoJo has said that most coronavirus rules will cease with the plan to include a reduction in the interval between vaccine doses for the under-40's, meaning everyone over 18 should be double-jabbed by mid-September, an end to the 1m plus social distancing rule, and no limits on numbers meeting indoors or outdoors. Legal requirements to wear face coverings will also end, Mr. Johnson said, but guidance will continue to suggest places "where you might choose to do so".

Finally were allowed as grown adults to use our own brains!!!

However, regardless of the optimism, as told via an article from the BBC, the Government has been careful with their words warning that cases were predicted to rise to 50,000 a day later this month and that "we must reconcile ourselves, sadly, to more deaths from Covid" I just hope that things don't change as this week Mr Warehouse and I break the less that 100-day mark on our wedding countdown. I just hope everything stays true and we can finally get hitched!

'Til next time, Love A.Lou x

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