Monday, 17 August 2020

Direwolves & Dragon Queen's

Evening everyone, 

I am sick and tired of hearing and reading and listening to damned Coronavirus this and COVID-19 that. Fuck off back under the rock you crawled out from under, or the meat market you originated as the case may be. I suppose I should be grateful for one thing and that is more time to catch-up on what is on the box and popular on TV. One thing I have always been told was right up my street in terms of Telly and I would enjoy watching was Game of Thrones. Based on the bestselling book series by George R.R. Martin, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss create a masterpiece where Summer's span decades, Winter's can last a lifetime and the struggle for the Iron Throne begins. Now I will start off by stating that there will be no spoilers, just in case you yourself were hiding under a rock with 'Rona. 

I had never really had the time to get into Game of Thrones and by the time it all started getting good and people started talking about it become a general pop culture subject there were too many seasons to catch-up with and much like the rest of the TV series I wanted to watch in the past, Dexter being another one, there was not enough time to get up to speed. That is until a global pandemic starts and all of a sudden we have nothing else better to do. 

The Website describes the HBO series perfectly. Premiering in April 2011 (long before facemasks and fighting over bogroll) the story tells of a medieval country's civil war. Set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos in a world where seasons stretch on for years but following a decade-long summer coming to an end, and winter looming the battle to claim the "Iron Throne," the seat of the king of the Seven Kingdoms, begins. The show is divided into three major plotlines continues. The first covers the battle between the lords of the continent of Westeros — most notably members of the Baratheon, Lannister, and Stark families — who are involved in the fight for the Iron Throne. The second follows the rise of Daenerys Targaryen, the last member of an exiled family as she builds an army in Essos to reclaim the throne. The third plot takes place in the North of Westeros among the Night's Watch, an armed unit that guards the 300-mile-long, 70-foot-tall wall that protects the rest of the continent from the mythical creatures that lurk there.

If you, like me, struggle with finding the next best thing to occupy your time with, the blog on the dedicated Game of Thrones website, hosted by HBO, sets out 5 Reasons to Start Game of Thrones Now - And honestly, you really should. Fans of the hit TV show are passionate and devoted to the tales and battles, ready to debate, defend, or just reminisce. We’re not saying you have to dress up like the Mother of Dragons, but at least you know you’ll have a go-to for dinner conversation.

Whilst the series has come to an end (and no-one is more sad about this than me right about now) it has launched the careers of many well-known faces and household phrases. Emilia Clarke who plays the beautiful Daenerys Targaryen, Kit Harington's character being the iconic (and most unreal specimen of mankind perfection) Jon Snow and Maisie Williams who we watched grow up on screen as little Arya Stark, not to mention a few familiar faces from ye olde days of "Skins" on Channel 4 -  Hannah Murray who played airy-fairy Cassie and Partier and drug taker Chris, played by Joe Dempsie, another one I had a crush on. 

Popular phrases such as “Winter is here.” “Hold the door.” & “You know nothing, Jon Snow.” are all common meme's and phrases you will become accustomed to and find yourself repeating at any given opportunity. Jumping on the bandwagon eight-weeks ago I figured that the 59 Grammy Awards and its reputation was there for a reason. That and the Jon Snow Eye-candy isn't too bad either. I have now developed a terribly unhealthy obsession over Jon Snow acted throughout by the god that is - Kit Harington. Starting off as a bit of something nice too look at and admire, I soon became weak at the knees for those deep tones and curly black locks. 

However, as the series went on and without the wait for weeks or months for a new season to be released I was soon drowning in love for the fur-clad hunk! Alas, I do what any normal red-blooded women in her late twenties does. Stalks him endlessly on the internet, changes her screen background and goes back to her days of being a teenager, scowling the web for some filthy, raunchy fan fiction. Now I won't go into detail here, however, if you fancy a NSFW read and something to get you sweating more than dragon's breath then why not follow this link ... Thank me later! So step aside Daenerys Targaryen and Ygritte - He's Mine. Well not quite since he married his co-star Rose Leslie (they met on set and fell in love while playing Jon Snow and Ygritte) at their wedding in an Aberdeen castle, Scotland. What?! I told you I stalked him ... 

'Til next time, Love A.Lou xx

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