Nine days to go until the big day and I seem to be the only one who is prepped with everything bought pretty much and half of it wrapped already. This year I feel very organized. Last year not so much and next year who effing knows. All I know is that right now I kinda have my shit together.
I do feel though that whilst my own Christmas list gets longer and longer each and every year with more books, bath bombs or alcohol, I do feel sometimes as though Christmas does become so embroiled in consumerism and material items.
An article was written back in December 2018 from The Conversation still, I feel, rings true today. The commercialization of the festive period, from column inches about Christmas adverts and who has got what and where, to the appearance of gifts and merchandise on shelves, sometimes more than three months before Santa appears just eats into the spirit of things, and I have to be honest, that for me, it does. Like, is it just me or does Christmas seem to arrive earlier and earlier in the shops and supermarkets these days?
In 2017, some estimates say that people in the UK spent on average around an extra £500 in December. That is a lot of money on what can only be assumed to be creating an atmosphere. The presents, the joy, the food, the entertainment. It all can add up. I can understand why. As this year will be the first year I am hosting, I can totally feel the pressure to get prepped and ready and organised so that I can relax and enjoy the time we all have with friends and families, especially given the circumstances last year. Now I am not hosting Christmas Day and luckily not Boxing Day either, but the day after (27th) I am due to be hosting a banging buffet. Do I know what I am buying? No. My Plan? Wing it and head to the reduced section in the days that lead up to it and buy what is on offer and what people will like, filling in the remaining bits and bobs as and when I need.
This is however not what many people do. And rather than save all year round (because it is with no shock that Christmas day is on 25th December the year and will be the same next year and the year after) so really there is no excuse for not saving or being prepared. Because we want to show to people that we care about them and that we love them, and we tend to show this by purchasing gifts, sometimes lavishly and beyond our means. But for the high street and for internet retailers it’s hugely important. Estimates say somewhere between 20% and 40% of annual turnover is done over this period of really just a couple of months. For many retailers, Christmas is the time where they could make it or break it, and in recent years we have seen how broken it can get with the high street giants of Debenhams, Beales, Toys R Us, HMV, and others falling under and failing to keep their head above water.
However when I think back to Christmas memories of mine, some of the things I remember most were not the presents but the people I was with. Aunties and Uncles, Grandparents and Siblings. To me, that’s the most important part of Christmas, well that and the food and the parties and the outfits and the drinking - And pressies. Does that make me materialistic? Who knows, but what I do know is that I think next year things might change and priorities will change to who needs what and how much. Christmas needs to become a time of memories and fun and happiness rather than who spent what and how many presents are in my stocking. Bring on Christmas 2022!
'Til next time, Love A.Lou x
Remember, if you would like to purchase anything then please feel free to check out my store at: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Wooftys or visit our Instagram @WooftysDogTreats and use "TATOATS21" to get 10% off your first order over £15.00.
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