Monday, 20 September 2021

Dress Stress & Wedding Bells: Part I


Is it even possible to be this tired? After a full week of back-to-back planning and wedding prep, I wish we could have had a weekend to relax. But sleeping is for the dead - Right? With last Monday being bridal drinks for my brother and sister-in-law's upcoming nuptials (Saturday 18th September 2021 - Yes my birthday). Tuesday was nail manicure, Wednesday was eyelashes, Thursday was my final dress fitting for my wedding dress (Eeek) and with Mr. Warehouse out every night too busy with Turkish trim's, Suit fittings and collecting and the church rehursal we were mostly like ships passing in the night, barely seeing each other to share dinner and most nights falling into be totally wacked. 

You see as before, my brother and sister-in-law had just so happened to book their wedding on my birthday and as such I kept forgetting throughout the week that it was actually my special day too. I do wish it hadn't been though as it would have been much easier to focus on one event. Arriving at work on the Friday morning I was shocked and surprised to see a huge bunch of flowers on my desk accompanied by a pricey bottle of champers and a sweet card from the guys in the office. I was so overwhelmed I nearly lost it. I had only been there a matter of weeks and already I had more here to welcome me on my last day as a *insert age* (tehe) than I did on my last day at a job I had worked at for over four-and-a-half years. Lunch consisted of sushi, sashimi and gyoza's closly followed by another colleague of mine coming in from her annual leave just to drop off another bunch of flowers. Honestly so sweet. 

However it wasn't to stay that way. I had decided a while ago that rather than buying a dress for the newly-wed's special day, I would rent one. I found one I fell in love with but after dithering around it was unavailable so I rented a similar one - The LIRIKA MATOSHI Cherry Midi Dress. A baby blue and cherry gown the website decscribes the $490.00 outfit as "The perfect head turner dress featured by a midi dress silhouette covered in glittery cherries. The tie up detail and the puffy sleeves make the dress even more fabulous. The dresses length from waist down is 33 inches. Made of 100% polyamide tulle, pvc glitter, environmental protection glue.

Renting it seemed easy as I had dne a few weeks earlier just to make sure it fitted and that I knew how it all worked, logistically. Hiring was from the website HURR Collective, specialising in peer-to-peer and direct from the designers clothing and accessories rentals. The beauty was due to arrive on Friday 17th September 2021 however, come 3.30pm (the day before my brother and sister in laws wedding AND my birthday) it had still not arrived at my fiancĂ©’s work place. Panicking he searched high and low for it and was not able to find it.  

I tried finding a phone number to call, there was none – UNHELPFUL! I went on the chat bot on the website to ask for help only to be met with an automated response – UNHELPFUL! I then attempted to email the last human I spoke to, again with no response – UNHELPFUL!  Finally I decided to head to twitter as a last ditch attempt to try and get ahold of someone although it was another 40-mins nearly before I got a reply of any value or worth. I then received an email stating that “it looked like the item may not have come back after the last rental”. I was now in a state of panic and shock. How can a £400+ dress go MIA for nearly a fortnight with no one checking?!?!  


After taking some time away from my desk to cry in the toilets (because I was still working at this point) I was devastated and panic-stricken that I now had nothing to wear to  my BROTHER AND SISTER IN LAWS WEDDING the following day! I had ordered and bought a fascinator to match the Cherry Midi Dress, and planned to wear my wedding shoes plus matching the cherries on the dress to my manicure, designed especially for that dress. All of this was now wasted. All the money I had spent on them and time cultivating my outfit for such an important event that I had told everyone of the service and sang HURR Collective’s praises for were all lost. I was doing a reading in the church and I had been telling everyone about my outfit and the dress and was so excited. Now all gone. What an earth was I going to do?! At this rate I was turning up there tomorrow wearing my fucking birthday suit?! 

To be continued ... 

'Til next time, Love A.Lou x

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