Monday, 29 March 2021

In A Matter of Weeks

Afternoon All,  

And so finally the day has come. No more counting or crossing off the days on the calendar. Because as England has been watching on patiently as the other devolved nations like Scotland and Wales break the spell and "stay local" becomes a thing of the past, we can now join in the revolution and start to reopen and I for one am braced ready for a little bit of freedom. Today marked the first date in many people's calendars where loved ones can reunite and see each other, sometimes for the first time in months, possibly a whole year.

As explained several weeks ago by Prime Minister Boris Johnson as he addressed the nation about the gradual reopening of the UK and a road-map, the next unlocking of lockdown 3.0 started today, step two of the new four-step plan. As set out in the government's plans, from today, Monday 29th March 2021, outdoor gatherings of either six people or two households will be allowed, both in recreational outdoor public spaces such as parks as well as in private gardens. Outdoor sports facilities such as tennis, outdoor swimming, or basketball courts will reopen, and organized adult and children's sport, such as grassroots football, will also return, something Mr. Warehouse has been itching to get back to see his nephew play footy at the weekend.

The BBC confirmed that the daily death toll today is just 23. Twenty-Three! I honestly can't ever remember seeing a number like that for a long time and it brings me such hope that finally ... FINALLY we are on our way out of this shithole. Whilst the vaccine rollout seems to be slowing it is still world-beating when compared to Europe and the rest of the world (all bar Isreal as they seem to have vacc'd almost everyone now) with nearly 30-million people in the UK having now had their first dose of a coronavirus vaccine. And just for context that is like the population of Pontypridd in Wales (Not Pont-Y-Pandi as I wanted to write - which is the fictional village from Fireman Sam). Or for those not so familiar with small Welsh towns, 30-million people would be equivalent to half the population of the London borough of Chelsea, at least by this website's assumptions.

Telling MPs that whilst admittedly his plan was slow, Bozza Jozza planned for this easing to be the final and last lockdown this country will have to suffer at the hands of coronavirus and we are to, as the public, be "cautious" at every stage of unlocking.

So what next? What is the next date circled on our diary? Well, the next date in your diaries as it is in mine will be for the commencement of the third step which will start from 12 April 2021 and would see major parts of the economy permitted to reopen including non-essential retail opens, beauty industries, and some public buildings like libraries. Outdoor settings like alcohol takeaways, beer gardens, zoos, and theme parks are also considered to be in the reopening as well as indoor leisure like indoor swimming pools and gyms. Self-contained holiday accommodation, such as self-catering lets and campsites would also be allowed to operate (Although maybe let's not spill to Mr. Warehouse that I have already booked a staycation in anticipation). So many things to be positive about and look forward to - The sun is shining and I am ready for the year ahead! Bring. It. On.

'Til next time, Love A.Lou x

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